SSCP Trainees

Shelley England

Seaton Valley, Cornwall

Becca Gatrell

St Agnes, Cornwall

Hayley Gearon

Helston and Falmouth, Cornwall

Alex Glynne

Falmouth, Cornwall

Tom Greenall

Helston, Cornwall

Jo Harrop

St Just, Cornwall

Daniel Jeffreys

Bath, Somerset

Larry Lynch

Sennen, Cornwall

Ana Tomcic

Torquay, Paignton, Exeter

Practitioners in private practice must have appropriate insurance in place as a condition of advertising their services on our website.

Any transaction that ensues between parties setting up a therapy relationship is completely confidential and not disclosed to or part of the business of the SSCP.

In the case of trainees, confidentiality will be preserved, save that the work with the trainee may be the subject of anonymised discussion with a supervisor.